Understanding Karma
How does karma affect one’s life? In one of my earlier posts, I had mentioned that the soul chooses its parents before birth in such a way that it has the best chance to work out its past life karmic bonds. With this as a given, it means that no person in your life is a coincidence. Karma places everyone into your life for a reason — you just do not know it, because you have not reached that level of awareness which gives you the ‘vision’ to ‘see’ why things are happening in the way they are! Karmic relationships will always play out the way they are supposed to, whether you like it or not and despite your best efforts. So, the best way to minimize the effect is to recognise the role of each and every person in your life.
Such people will come for a brief moment, some time or be with you throughout your life — all this depends on what karmic bonds are being worked out. Here, it is necessary to mention that as you live your life, you need to pay particular attention on not creating additional karma. Creation of additional karma may stop only once you meet your living Guru or spiritual guide. Once you are initiated by the Guru, then he takes on all the karma you have created in your current life till the time of your initiation. Once you start meditating, some of you may find that all kinds of bad things have started happening and the normal reaction is that all this has started because of meditation! Everything was fine before I met this Guru and now everything is going haywire! Many people give up meditation as they cannot endure the bad things which have started happening. Actually, all this is the Guru’s way of putting all your previous life’s bad karma on a fast-track mode. The Guru also gives you the strength to face these bad karmas, but many times the family members and friends get into your head and keep hammering that this is happening because of your Guru and meditation, just give it up! Many people do, some don’t.
Those that do not give up, face their bad karmas and move on and suddenly find that life has become different, now it is joyous, peaceful and fun. A calmness has enveloped the family, there are no more problems and even if any kind of problem comes, they approach it with an attitude that this is nothing as compared to what we have already faced — and they move through life riding the wave in joy.