Unseen Guide
There is an unseen guide guiding us all the time. We call this guide our guardian angel — but is there any such thing as a guardian angel you may well ask. All this depends on the belief systems and the values that have been instilled in you by your parents and teachers as you grew up.
Throughout your life you would have observed that you have been saved from numerous sticky situations just in time. Why does this happen? Most of the time we call it coincidence or just plain luck. But is it just plain luck or is there some higher power that is looking after your interests — not allowing you to get hurt or suffer losses?
If you are a bit spiritual and you start practicing spirituality through meditation and yoga you will realise in time, that there is an inner guide, a small voice that starts talking to you and telling you what to do or what not to do. This guiding voice is within you and is not outside. One has to go deeper into one’s own being to find the guide.
Once the inner guide is found there are no more mistakes, no repentance, no guilt. There is no question of doing good or bad; whatsoever happens through you then will always be good. It is not a question of morality either; one’s very aura and being becomes good after continuous spiritual practice, so bad never happens to you and whatever happens to you or through you will always be good. There is no other way, this is simply because your own energy body becomes so strong and vibrant that no bad can ever happen to you or through you. One walks in light and one walks lightly because the head and the burden of the head is no longer there. And when one walks in light and walks lightly, life becomes laughter, love, joy and bliss.
There is a higher intelligence that will tell you immediately what to do. Just follow that direction. There is an unseen Guide behind everything. Let that Guide direct us. If nothing comes to mind right away, pause a minute and ask, “God, what am I to do?” The answer will come.
But remember not to use this for your personal interest in any situation. Stay neutral, then you will know the right thing to do. That is very, very important in deciding priorities. Guidance to others has to be without a profit motive. Once you establish your inner connection, then like Swamiji says, you have found your own Guru within you. That is the unseen guide!