When You Think of God
When you think of God, he thinks of you too. I am sure many of you have actually experienced this, but due to your rational mind you have called this a coincidence or pure serendipity. We all think of God or of a Supreme Power when we are in distress, very few of us know and those of us who do know very few have actually realised the God within.
In moments of distress, when a medical or financial emergency stares at us — that is when we think of God the most — we need that psychological crutch to take us through those difficult times. When we think of God with a pure heart and nothing but love and faith, he listens; not just listens but also acts! It is all about our faith and our will to pull through difficult times. God does not come and physically rescue us from our crisis, he just gives us the strength or sends someone who helps us tide through the difficult times.
In India, we are told to chant God’s name or mantras which connect us to his energy — the most common and the most powerful being — “Om Namah Shivaya”. If you are lucky enough to have a Guru then you should chant the mantra given to you as the Guru-mantra by your Guru. Just chanting is not enough! You have to internalise the mantra. You will ask — how do I internalise a mantra?
When you repeat a mantra, it is not only your tongue that repeats it, your whole body, your bones, your flesh repeats it. You begin to feel that everything is melting. The intensity of your mantra chanting should be such that after a point every atom and particle of your body is chanting the mantra. You no longer need to say it mentally, it has been internalised — sitting in silence, traveling in a train or bus, suddenly you will feel the mantra repeating itself within you, even though you are not saying anything. When this happens, you have become the mantra and the mantra has become you — internalisation has taken place. At this point you have full protection of God; in fact, his power has now been awakened within you.
Just imagine that someone close to you is returning from overseas after five years or so. You are eagerly waiting for the flight to arrive. You are at the customs gate waiting to greet your close friend or relative. From amongst the throng of passengers you spot your loved one and your heart starts pounding, it is racing away in excitement and anticipation. Have you experienced that?
When you experience something similar while thinking of God, imagine what it would be like at higher spiritual levels. Through meditation you should develop that, you can develop that. That is the purpose of constantly repeating mantras, constant remembrance through prayer — till the mantra becomes you and you become the mantra!