Who Doesn’t Have Problems?
We go through life facing some problem or the other right since we are born — it could be sickness, loss of a dear one, fear of failure, stress, etc. — each one of us faces these kinds of problems right from birth to death. I don’t think there is a single person on earth who has not faced any problems! How we face our problems is what matters most, some people run away from their problems, some behave like ostriches and pretend they do not exist, some face the problem head-on, some take the help of others — each person has his or her own mechanism to deal with their problems.
The thing with problems is that it always has a solution. To solve such problems one always needs time, sometimes money is required and sometimes other people. Beyond these three there is no problem that exists!
It is said that time heals all wounds, hence any problem you face diminishes in intensity with the passage of time, therefor one can say that time offers a solution to a certain kind of problem. Certain kind of problems are solved with the help of money. One may not have money, one may be poor and think how will my problem be solved. In such cases the universe always conspires to send help your way in the form of some good Samaritan who helps you get by your problem. The third is to take the help of people who contribute to solving your problem. This help could be in the form of moral support, financial support or personally helping in resolving the problem through their own presence.
When we start meditating, all kinds of problems in life like those related to health, relationships, finance, career, etc start fading away. Meditation helps you deal with problems better — it gives you a better insight on tackling problems. With the entry of an enlightened Master in your life and your surrender to him, then your problems are not your own, they become those of a huge positive collectivity — when that happens the problem appears so insignificant that it just disappears. For bigger problems you get the inner strength to face them and move on, such problems then do not appear to be problems they just come and go like one of life’s aberrations. Therefore, like Swamiji says — meditate, meditate, meditate.